Ethics of financial services in the field of health compliance with ethical principles in the management of finances and financial services within the health system involve transparency and integrity in billing processes, ensuring equitable access to medical services, and avoiding fraudulent or abusive behaviour. It also involves respecting the confidentiality of patients’ financial and medical information, as well as avoiding discriminatory practices regarding access to medical services based on the patient’s financial status. Ethical practices in the field of health financial services can contribute to increasing the trust of patients in the medical system, protecting their rights, and ensuring a fair distribution of resources in the health system. Through a comprehensive analysis of ethical considerations, this study aims to shed light on the importance of upholding moral principles in the provision of financial services in the health sector. By thoroughly examining existing research and academic articles, a clearer understanding of the ethical considerations and standards in this specialized sector can be gained. This review not only helps to recognize the current landscape of ethical practices, but also sheds light on potential areas for improvement and further ethical development.
This study delves into the dynamics of trade between the European Union (EU) and Türkiye, employing the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) theory as its analytical framework Focusing on the period from the fourth quarter of 2022 to the fourth quarter of 2023, the research offers a comprehensive analysis of bilateral trade relations at the All Product level. During the specified timeframe, the EU and Türkiye have navigated a multitude of economic and geopolitical factors, influencing the nature and patterns of their trade interactions. Against this backdrop, the RCA theory provides a valuable lens for understanding the comparative advantages each party possesses in their trade relationship. Through rigorous analysis of All Product level data, this study examines the trade flows, export structures, and comparative advantage indices of both the EU and Türkiye across various sectors and product categories. By calculating revealed comparative advantage indices, the research identifies the specific sectors where each party demonstrates a comparative advantage in trade. The findings of this study shed light on the intricacies of trade dynamics between the EU and Türkiye. Analysis at the All Product level offers a comprehensive understanding of the evolving specialization patterns and changes in comparative advantages over the specified period. Moreover, the research explores the implications of these findings for future trade relations between the EU and Türkiye. This research contributes significantly to the literature on EU-Türkiye trade relations by offering a detailed analysis based on All Product level data. The insights derived from this study hold valuable implications for policymakers, economists, and stakeholders involved in shaping the trajectory of bilateral trade cooperation and integration between the EU and Türkiye.
Still in its infancy, artificial intelligence (AI) can become a good ally in our business, especially in these times. But using AI requires education, first digital and then entrepreneurial because when we talk about using AI in business, we must consider the potential risks, especially in terms of cyber security, but also the fact that an economically judicious use of AI in our business can certainly help improve productivity in the workplace, without the need for aggressive human replacement. Based on these premises, the aim of this paper is to answer the following questions: What is artificial intelligence? Who can use it? What are the risks of using artificial intelligence in business? What jobs may disappear as AI develops and matures? The methodology used to answer these questions is based on the literature, official documents published by European Commission offices and statistics issued by specialized bodies. The conclusion that emerges is that the use of artificial intelligence is an advantage in the creation of new products and services.
artificial intelligence; digitization; education; digital skills
In international arbitration, parties autonomy is a vital principle, allowing them to determine how the proceedings are to be conducted, subject to the application of the mandatory regulations of the state where the proceedings are held and, where applicable, the rules of the arbitral institution. In other words, being a technique that is mainly based on the application of the principle of freedom of contract, third party financing (TPF) is often allowed in principle in arbitration cases that are also contractual in nature. The research focuses on the attention paid to financing by third parties in judicial cases, which can be explained by some of the fundamental advantages it entails (respect for the fundamental nature of the right to defense and unrestricted access to justice, patrimonial advantages, etc.). Both plaintiffs and defendants can take advantage of the TPF throughout the procedure, but also afterwards (ie during the execution of the resolution). The analysis of the law in force and the jurisprudence are used to explain one of the key issues fueling suspicion and skepticism about the use of TPF, i.e the method introducing an outsider into the lawyer-client relationship (the third-party funder) whose sole interest and only connection to the dispute is the pursuit of the capitalist objective of making a profit. The papers point out the advantages and the lack of the procedure, in the context of the EU law proposal for a regulation on the topic.
litigation financing; third party; fundamental rights
During the last decade Romania has undergone major political transformation from communist regimes to democratic forms of government. Despite changes–introducing police ranks, changing uniforms, prohibiting party affiliation, police find it more difficult to persuade citizens that they have really changed. The article details the modifications that came about in tandem with the evolution of the Romanian Police following Romania’s 1990 political upheaval. The relationship between socioeconomic shifts and the corresponding modifications to law enforcement agencies has received special attention. These modifications range from renaming the Militia to the Police to altering its personnel, organizational structure, and legal framework. The Romanian Police is a professional organization that serves the public and is commemorating its 202nd anniversary in 2024.
Since the adoption of the European Green Deal in 2020, the European Union constantly tried to improve its environmental protection policy, aiming to develop a climate-neutral economy that will help Europe to become the world’s first ‘climate-neutral’ continent, with net zero GHG emissions by 2050. Indeed, according to 2022 estimates, the EU has successfully reduced its GHG net emissions by 31% since 1990, meeting its 2020 targets without sacrificing its prosperity. The use of renewable energy and the increase of energy efficiency proved to be of paramount importance for cutting down pollution. Even though, so far, progress has been made by Member States, the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050 imposes a faster pace on them. Still, their policies, strategies, programs and measures need to be well-synchronized in content and timing to curb climate change and protect prosperity. To measure the results and to anticipate future efforts require adequate tools. One of these is the environmental performance index (EPI), a complex global environmental indicator based on 40 performance indicators grouped into 11 issue categories, which are tracking progress on three broad policy objectives: environmental health, ecosystem vitality, and climate change. The objective of the paper is to analyze the environmental performance of the European Union (EU) countries, measured according to the environmental performance index (EPI), in order to highlight the impact of the European regulations and how these contributed to better environmental performance, taking into consideration the fact that demanding environmental policy is associated with greater competitiveness and more eco-innovation, according to the European Environment Agency (EEA).
environmental protection; environmental performance index; European Green Deal; EU regulations
Maria Grosu, Camelia Cătălina Mihalciuc, Ciprian Apostol, Anișoara-Niculina Apetri
In discussions about organizational performance, an essential topic is gender differences in top management, as the individuals responsible for the governance of the organization can contribute to its financial sustainability and risk-taking. This has also led to the purpose of our study, to explore the influences that these differences exert on organizational performance. Specifically, the study uses a literature review to identify relevant theoretical perspectives and empirical findings, highlighting the connections between gender diversity and organizational outcomes, with a particular focus on analysing gender diversity in top management. Also, by means of a bibliometric analysis, the main research directions and concerns related to gender diversity in organizational contexts are identified.
organizational performance; male leaders; female leaders; top management; gender diversity
The article aims to highlight the characteristics of some negative phenomena, such as tax evasion and corruption, which affect the economy Romanian. Tax evasion is the most important component of the mechanism of economic-financial crime, and the EU space faces an impressive dynamic of the export and import of economic crime, combating this phenomenon becoming the primary goal of specialized bodies. In this research, the aspects, concepts and causes of these negative phenomena will be analyzed, as well as the interdependence between them and the fiscal pressure. Also, analyzing the level of tax collection in Romania compared to the other EU states, is useful to highlight the existence of an interdependence link between a high level of taxation (which has the effect of increasing the fiscal pressure on taxpayers) and the increase of the level of tax evasion. Further research will also focus on the analysis of the impact that the increases in taxes and fees will have on the degree of payment compliance on the part of taxpayers.
This paper describes the effects of using a tool capable of automatically removing DK/NA (Do Not Know/No Answer) values from some tabular datasets. For these values, the original encoding performed by some providers of significant survey datasets (e.g., SHARE, WVS, etc.) is as negative numbers. To leave them as are means to accept an artificial increase of scales. Or that translates into dramatic changes in feature selection, exploration tasks, and performance measurements of the resulting models. The tool discussed in this paper helps avoid manually recoding or deriving cleaned replicas of the existing variables in such datasets. In a transparent manner (progress tracking), this tool automatically detects all variables specified, treats each of them, and generates immediate results corresponding to the treatment status (including exceptions for string ones). The paper also brings examples of using real-world data (World Values Survey-WVS, Time-series, v4.0).
SHARE, WVS, or similar datasets; DK/NA coded as negative values; effects on regression and classification models; feature selection steps; performance metrics
This paper explores the most robust determinants of life satisfaction using empirical analysis of World Values Survey data, including the latest version 4.0, time series 1981-2022. Three significant ones emerged (a triad), namely contentment with household financial situation, freedom of choice and control, and democracy in terms of exposure to it and democratic values, all in a logit model with good accuracy of classification (AUC-ROC greater than 0.8) and a high maximum probability (more than 95%). Rigorous selection processes coupled with advanced methodologies such as variable selection, triangulation, cross-validations (random, and non-random – both on socio-economic variables and dataset versions), overfitting removal, collinearity and reverse causality checks, and different regressions contributed to the evaluation and validation of the final most robust model. Zlotnik and Abraira’s prediction nomograms helped rank the predictors and stood behind the final model with three core components to estimate life satisfaction probabilities. The findings are a step forward in life satisfaction research and provide significant ideas for policymakers.
World Values Survey (WVS); life satisfaction; financial contentment; freedom of choice and control; democracy
Daniela Diac (Hutu), Marinela Carmen Cumpat, Maria Ana Cumpat
Organizational culture is a complex and important concept in the management of all organizations, with a role in highlighting the values, norms, behaviours, and way of thinking, as well as the interaction between the members of the organization and the fulfilment of the established objectives. The continuous evolution of society determines the progress of each individual organization, both economically and socially. Organizational culture is increasingly present in all economic, social, and cultural branches, improving the way of working, and contributing to the increase of expectations regarding social requirements, the content of work, and the quality of the workplace. In the development of human resources within an organization, organizational culture has an important role, as it can support this aspect, leading to good organization and increasing the efficiency of the organization; the more perfected the human resources will be, the more their efficiency will increase and, thus, the good functioning of the organization in general. This article aims to highlight, through the literature review, the importance of organizational culture within an organization for human resources and, thus, for the organization.
economy; development; human resources; organizational culture; health
The digital services legislative package which consists of the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act became fully applicable on 7 March 2024 and the first positive signs are already starting to appear. These regulations establish a framework for regulating large technology companies, known as gatekeepers, to ensure they do not abuse their market power and to protect users’ online privacy and consent. Consumers will have more and better services to choose from, more opportunities to switch providers if they want to, direct access to services and fairer prices. Businesses that depend on gatekeepers to provide their services in the single market will have a fairer business environment. In this article we aim to present the main legislative changes that apply to digital markets, as well as the first measures implemented by the big players such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta and TikTok.
DSA; DMA; gatekeepers, advertising; digital marketing; social media
Tax avoidance is the subject of o large number of studies. I choose to analyse these studies by grouping them in three main categories: proxies used to measure the tax avoidance, tax avoidance determinants (this study) and tax avoidance influences on other variables. Analysing almost 80 papers, I identified a long list of factors that can influence the level of tax avoidance practiced by companies, in terms of income tax, and I grouped these factors into several categories. I proposed, first, factors related to the personal and professional profiles of the members of the company’s management, after which I analysed factors related to corporate governance, but also to geographical and institutional characteristics. The list of determinants can be continued with factors related to the ownerships structure and the listing of companies on a stock market, as well as with influences of all kinds of crisis (financial, pandemic, at regional or global level). At the same time, I considered elements of a reputational nature that influence the tax avoidance practices of companies, as well as technological developments, company strategies, life cycle phase.
corporate income tax; tax avoidance proxies; tax avoidance determinants
In education, computational thinking—which is characterized as a style of thinking applicable to various professions needing problem-solving abilities—has grown in popularity. Future specialists must be prepared for the sophisticated thinking skills required to solve social and business challenges, necessitating a combination of mathematical thinking and computational thinking. Since the field of computer science was derived from mathematics, the connection between these two fields is obvious. Moreover, there is a correlation between ability in specific mathematical and computational fields; the question is which precise fields are correlated? To derive a more precise hypothesis about the relationship among abilities in specific mathematical and computational fields, we adopted a novel approach – examining the relationship among local metalanguages of various fields in mathematics and computer science. The hypothesis of this research posits that if any mathematical and computational fields have similar metalanguages, then a correlation exists between ability in these fields. This information can aid in formulating content that is less comprehensible to students into a more accessible format. In the first research stage, data mining techniques were employed. As a result, we identified clusters of similar fields in mathematics and computer science, based on similarity between metalanguages. Upon formulating the hypothesis, we verify it using both quantitative and qualitative research involving students’ participation. This paper presents the results of qualitative content analysis of interviews with software engineering students and lecturers.
“Public housing” provides decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, older people, and persons with disabilities. Public housing is a central component of Israel’s protective net for the weak in society. It seeks to protect vulnerable populations, allowing affordable housing for a public that cannot do so in the free market. This review paper aims to portray and evaluate public housing in Israel. It depicts the objectives, background, trends, challenges, problems, and prospects for the future. The right to housing is a basic right in Israel. Therefore, the state has a limited supply of apartments rented through government companies at a subsidized price to residents who meet the eligibility criteria. Israeli law granted tenants purchase rights after a period of 5 years, thereby preserving the right of public housing residents to live with dignity and shelter. It enables an escape from the cycle of poverty and a better future. It is a means of reducing gaps and providing a social safety net for disadvantaged populations.
public housing; Israel; supply and demand; eligibility; shortage
Our study aims to examine the effects of audit committee characteristics on the voluntary external assurance (SRA) of sustainability reports or annual activity reports for 59 companies listed on the Regulated market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), in the Premium, Standard, and Int’l categories, between 2018 and 2022. Using regression analysis, we found that audit committee independence and financial expertise are inversely related to the level of SRA, and the size and frequency of audit committee meetings significantly and positively influence SRA. Based on these findings, we believe that an increase in companies’ focus on improving audit committee characteristics would have a positive effect on the quality and credibility of sustainability reporting. Note that our study is for the first time investigating the potential links between the quality of the audit committee and the voluntary external assurance of sustainability reports in the case of Romanian companies.
The new version of the Civil code of the Republic of Moldova starting March 1st, 2019, traditionally has already revised the forms of will by which an individual can dispose for the cause of death. In this context, some forms of will have been maintained, some forms have been excluded, and some have changed their own legal nature, which affects their legal force. In this article we will draw attention to the changes in the form of the will in the Republic of Moldova in the contemporary period, with a special focus on the authentic and holographic forms.Consequently, special attention will be given to the authentic form of the will and the notarial procedure for assigning the legal force of public authority to a will. With reference to the holographic wills, the author will describe the procedure for obtaining their enforceability, through the point of view of his own notary practice, as well as will be elucidated some existing normative uncertanties. Although the domestic legislation does not expressly regulate the circulation of oral wills, a quasi-oral form has been introduced (which assumes that the testator’s will is expressed orally, although it is to be expressed in written form in the end) and the notarial procedure with oral wills, allowed by the international treaty to which the Republic of Moldova is a party, has not been described.
notarial deed; notarial form; notarial document; will
The new version of the Civil code of the Republic of Moldova starting March 1st, 2019, in the part of inheritance denotes a complete revision of the transfer of rights of the natural person for the cause of death. At the same time, prima facie the legislators in the part related to wills intervention is not so obvious. In this research, it will be analyzed the forms by which a human being can dispose mortis causa of his partimony, as well as the correlation of the institution of inheritance with some new legal institutions that appeared in the Civil code (eg. fiducia). It will be analyzed the role of the will for contemporary civil society, in the light of the recent challenges faced by the Republic of Moldova as well as the effectiveness of using this legal instrument to achieve the scope pursued by a person. Finally, after a comparison with legal framwork from other states from which the authors of the „modernized” civil code were inspired, the author will try to come up with solutions that could facilitate the achievement of the aims pursued by the society, also will be tried to debureaucratize the existing notary procedure.
notarial form; legal act; will; joint will; agreement as to succession
The circular economy is essential for sustainable development, promoting the reuse of resources and waste reduction. This article explores legal adaptation strategies to address unforeseen events in the circular economy, highlighting the importance of integrating resilience and material reuse. The purpose of this article is to analyze how current legislation at both European and national levels addresses risks and unforeseen events and to propose improvements for better integration of these concepts. The main objectives include examining ways in which material reuse contributes to adaptability, evaluating existing contractual clauses, and proposing adaptability clauses for risk management. The case study of the “Close the Glass Loop” program in the glass industry is used to illustrate the practical application of these strategies and to demonstrate the success of a circular economy initiative in the context of disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Expected outcomes include a better understanding of the importance of adaptability clauses in contracts and the need for flexible and innovative regulations. Legislative improvement proposals aim to introduce adaptability clauses, promote investments in innovative technologies, and intensify public education campaigns. These measures could contribute to increased resilience and sustainability of the circular economy, providing a robust legal framework to facilitate the transition to more sustainable and efficient economic practices. In conclusion, this article emphasizes the need to adapt legislation to address the challenges of the circular economy and proposes concrete solutions for integrating resilience and material reuse into the existing legal framework, thereby contributing to the creation of a sustainable and resilient economic model.
circular economy; legal adaptation; resilience; material reuse; unforeseen events
Currently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is promisingly complementing the technological landscape associated with smart cities, consisting of contextual combinations of solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile devices, mobile communications via satellites or short-range, data platforms, Virtual and Augmented Reality, etc. The benefits associated with the use of AI relate to improving services and optimizing resource utilization, with the stated aim of ensuring a better life for citizens in urban areas. The top-down approach in the design and implementation of technological solutions associated with smart cities remains dominant, as a consequence of the power and impact of major stakeholders (technology producers and policymakers), and the social sustainability of technological initiatives is not sufficiently explored. Against this background, this paper aims to analyze the ethical challenges associated with the use of AI in smart cities development projects. The “black-box” functioning of AI tools and the related privacy concerns will be discussed, with a focus on identifying sound solutions for an ethical use of AI in smart cities. Our results show that the eXplainable AI (XAI) approach enhances transparency, trust, control, efficiency, fairness, ethical compliance, accountability, bias mitigation, privacy, and security of AI in smart cities, and a responsible AI implementation implies diverse privacy techniques like encryption, differential privacy, anonymization, edge computing, multi-party computation, federated learning, machine learning, and blockchain.
smart cities; AI ethics; social sustainability; XAI; privacy
Recent developments in international economics have certainly increased the attention of European citizens to the phenomenon of financial stability. However, the present research aims to analyse the impact of different political and economic factors on the financial stability of European citizens in a pre-pandemic era. In order to determine whether or not such an impact exists, we have used panel data analysis covering 26 of the 27 EU countries over a 10-year period, between 2010 and 2019. The statistical research has indeed shown us the link between different variables, both economic and political, with the financial stability of European citizens, which can be taken into account by political decision-makers.
European Union; financial stability; institutions; doing business; infrastructure
This article presents the development of the regulations regarding the general competence of courts and other jurisdictional bodies in the Republic of Moldova and Bessarabia. In particular, the causes and reasons for the liquidation of the District Commercial Court in the Republic of Moldova, which essentially changed the regulations regarding general jurisdiction, were exposed. Special attention was also paid to researching the development of the general jurisdiction and other jurisdictional bodies in the Republic of Moldova, an aspect that highlights the general jurisdiction of the Commercial District Court that was liquidated. Normative acts affecting the functionality of several jurisdictional bodies from the point of view of the institution of general competence were also analyzed. Also, some normative and legislative acts in this field are analyzed which are currently in force in the Republic of Moldova, but which require certain essential improvements. Thus, proposals were submitted to amend and supplement the legislation to improve the legal framework in this area.
In this article I have presented the criteria for delimiting economic disputes from common law disputes, starting from the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. In particular, the criterion of the subjective composition of the material-litigious reports was highlighted. The regulations that were the basis of this criterion were analyzed under an evolutionary aspect in the Republic of Moldova. Another particularity analyzed was the dynamic general competence, which is formulated by us as a new legal concept in delimiting the powers of jurisdictional bodies to resolve civil disputes, in particular economic disputes. This type of general jurisdiction is added by us in addition to the other types of general jurisdiction: exclusive general jurisdiction, alternative general jurisdiction, contractual general jurisdiction, conditional general jurisdiction, general jurisdiction in the case of related claims. Dynamic general jurisdiction is complimentary to other types of general jurisdiction and is largely based on the criterion of the subjective composition of economic disputes. This is because these categories of disputes are the most dynamic in the development of social relations.
Out of a desire to collect additional budget revenue, our legislator has abandoned the classic line and prefers a futuristic trend, operating innovatively. Thus, at the end of 2023, he decided to bring together in a single tax institution two major, sensitive and inexplicable problems of positive law: the retroactive application of stricter legal rules, more unfavorable to the private debtor, and the question of special confiscation in a tax offence that does not naturally and legally allow this, disguised in a tax decision for additional tax obligations and the avalanche of related tax accessories. However, in the obvious absence of a legal basis, these legislative initiatives tend to evaporate before they produce genuine legal effects.
income tax; tax decision; confiscation; retroactivity; legality
Master data management and data governance are critical in today’s business world, as organizations increasingly rely on data to make informed decisions and gain competitive advantage. This article examines the relevance of master data management as an integral part of data governance for business success using scientometric methods. Through the systematic evaluation of specialist literature and research work, a comprehensive understanding of the importance of master data management and data governance is gained. The analysis identifies key concepts, trends and research gaps in the field of master data management and shows how effective management of master data strengthens data governance and thus has a significant impact on corporate success. These findings provide valuable impulses for companies to optimize their data strategies and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. The results also form the basis for further research based on design science research, supported by qualitative literature analysis and expert interviews in a real business environment, to construct a master data management artifact that is influenced by data governance experiences.
data management; data governance; quantitative analysis; scientometrics
Master data management forms the foundation for the success of modern organizations by ensuring the quality, consistency and availability of data. Determining the maturity level of this management system is crucial to identify weaknesses and potential for improvement. This study presents a model for assessing the maturity of master data management because of analysing previous research findings on maturity models in general, master data management maturity models in particular, data governance and practical experiences. The proposed model provides a comprehensive assessment framework according to which various aspects of master data management can be analysed and evaluated to identify the current state and potential development paths. It provides a tool to gain insights into best practices and challenges that organizations should consider when optimizing their master data management. Furthermore, the results serve as a basis for further research. The aim is to construct an artifact for measuring the success of master data management that is influenced by data governance experiences.
data management; data governance; maturity assessment
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the main aspects of ESG that influence decision making in the process of investments and to define an ESG word catalogue, that can be a basis for future research. Design/methodology/approach – Research and papers about the influence of ESG information on investors decision making are discussed by a qualitative content analysis to define the most common topics of ESG. Furthermore, latest sustainability reports of the Dow Jones companies are analysed with a QCA with the aim to identify the most common used ESG words. Findings – An all-encompassing statement on the question of which ESG topics are of high importance for investment decisions can only be made if investor groups are surveyed in addition to researchers and the respective companies. Nevertheless, this research provides a basis for future research that aims to further investigate the interactions between ESG information and market effects. Originality/value – This paper provides important new insights that can be used to better define the key parameters of the ESG megatrend and, building on this, support further research in this area.
Transfer pricing represents a challenge both for the taxpayer and the tax administration. As transfer pricing cases have increased in Romania over the past few years, legal practitioners must face the task of understanding the rationale of the inherent functional and economic analysis, which is far from being exact and straightforward, but rather increasingly interpretative and highly challengeable. In this paper the author provides a brief presentation of the arm’s length principle and of the current legal framework in Romania, followed by a theoretical analysis of the taxpayers right to be heard during transfer pricing tax inspections accompanied by two cases from practice. The author’s conclusion is that, considering the specificity of transfer pricing, the tax inspection has the obligation to inform the taxpayer during the tax inspection whenever it intends to make an adjustment or an estimation of the transfer prices. Moreover, prior to making any adjustments or estimations, the tax administration has the obligation to request from the taxpayer additional explanation and information in writing.
transfer pricing; legal framework; adjustment; estimation; right to be heard
Robotic Process Automation – RPA technologies are known as solutions to support or replace the human factor by automating repetitive and routine tasks, with a positive impact translated by increasing the level of productivity and eliminating the risk of error specific to such operations. These software “robots” have been adopted rapidly and widely in various fields of activity, given the proven efficiency in the field of data collection and information provision in departments or segments of operational flow where the volume of routine processes is high but also big time and money consuming. Beyond the immediate and measurable benefits of various key performance indicators, the implementation of such systems within organizations – regardless of their nature – raises a rather thorny issue, namely the relocation of human resources that is practically removed from current attributions and tasks for which it is qualified. This article aims to assess as closely as possible the ethical aspects of RPA digitization and the effects that such technologies can have on an essential component of a company’s capital: the human factor.
Robotic Process Automation; human resources management; digitalization; data analysis
The paper aims to explain, in the first part, the concept of the rule of law, as it is determined at the level of the European Union. From its creation until today, the principle of the rule of law has experienced a spectacular evolution and a very widespread in democratic states. The second part the paper emphasizes some support mechanisms of the rule of law in the European Union while the last one refers to the analysis of how the member states of the European Union have effectively implemented the analyzed principle. In this sense, in our exposition, important decisions are analyzed, pronounced by the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, with reference to the principles of legality and legal certainty, as well as the effective judicial protection. It was found that, although the rule of law is one of the essential values of the Union, which was constantly promoted by the Union bodies, it was repeatedly violated by the Member States; some of them even had vehement reactions related to the constraints endured in this regard. The article is of real interest both for specialists in the field and, above all, for the Member States of the Union, which have the obligation to comply with the existing legal provisions of the European Union and the specific jurisprudence on the matter.
rule of law; application; European Union member states
Health is complex, multidimensional and hard to define. Health is a separate concept from health status since health is dynamic and health status suggests the ability to measure. Some of the dimensions of health appear in definitions and literature. The inability to define health may lead to some problems in measuring health status as a statistical variable, a perspective that underlines the importance of a clear definition, as complete as possible, appropriate to the context for which the analysis is made. Current definitions do not address all dimensions of health. More broad definitions that capture more dimensions of health are essential to support health policy decision-making and researchers. Several analyses use some variables related to dimensions of health (e.g. extracted from WHO definition – social, mental and physical). A clearer definition makes it easier monitor and meet the objectives. In this study, the health and health status are defined first, and then some dimensions from definitions of health and from literature are debated. The results consist in this collection of dimensions: physical, mental, social, functional, subjective, religious, environmental, emotional, intellectual. Definition created is as follows: “Health is a complex, multidimensional concept that can be affected by a multitude of factors such as physical, social, mental, religious, intellectual, subjective, environmental, and broadly it links to the idea of pain or suffering in any way, but also the well-being and happiness, i.e. holiness for those who have it.”. It is important to have a complex definition to support health policy decision-making, which leads towards improving the health status of the population.
health dimensions; health statistics; health policy decision-making; health status
Employees’ engagement is the employees’ state of mind in performing the job requirements with great energy, enthusiasm, and full commitment to the organization and its results. This article presents that the definitions of engagement have expanded over the years. Engagement has an impact on the employees’ productivity and, therefore, it affects the behaviors expected from managers. The aim of this article is to present a systematic review of the development of employees’ engagement in relation to the organization dimensions. The results of this review aim to lead managers seeing engagement management as an organizational need. In addition, the article leads to manage engagement in several organizational dimensions – managerial, psychological and as an internal organizational communication issue. Also, as entail a need for continued research of organizational engagement to provide managers with tools for promoting engagement and, accordingly, for enhancing the employees’ productivity.
employees’ engagement; productivity; engagement dimensions; managerial role; internal communication