International Conference
“European Finance, Regulation and Business”
Dear Authors,
Thank You for participating at EUFIRE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023! We would like to let you know that, thanks to your personal contribution, the EUFIRE 2023 was a real success and on behalf of the Scientific Committee, we are pleased to issue the Certificate of Participation (please download the certificate here)!
In order to have your paper published in the Conference Proceedings, we would like to kindly remind You that the final version is due on the 30th of June, 2023.
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing at Web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation Index and we are pleased to remind you that previous EUFIRE 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Proceedings are already indexed, while the 2021 and 2022 are under evaluation procedure.
We kindly ask you, when submitting your final paper, to take into consideration the format requirements of the template available here.
Thank You again for Your contribution and we are looking forward meeting at next EUFIRE International Conference, on the 17-18th of May 2024!
EUFIRE 2023 Conference Programme
Dear Madam/Sir,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are glad to invite you to present your research results at the International Conference “EU FInance, REgulation and Business EUFIRE 2023” organized at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania), on the 19th and 20th of May.
Considering that Romania is a candidate country to the European Monetary Union, the conference aims at offering the framework for debating the main challenges faced within European Union and globally, emphasizing the regulatory perspective for the financial sector, in particular, and for the business sector, in general. The event will reunite academics, researchers, and practitioners, both from Romania and abroad, and will provide the necessary background for the development of constructive analysis and productive dialogue. Participation at the sessions of the event will be open to academics, researchers, students, and practitioners with interests in EU economics, public administration and legal studies, to present the results of their scientific work and/or to attend/participate in the discussions.
In response to the actual demand for fruitful academic events, the conference organizing committee proposes an on-site format, guaranteeing the opportunity for all the participants to bring up their research results for debate, both in plenary sessions and in panel discussions. The conference is offering the possibility to present the papers and to benefit from other specialists’ pertinent opinions on the results of the research. The dialogue between young researchers and reputable scholars is kindly encouraged. If the health security conditions will demand special measures for academic events by mid-May 2023, then the sessions will be organized both online and on-site, favouring productive discussions among fellow academics and practitioners.
Contributors are encouraged to approach one of the main topics of the conference (but not limited to):
- EU Banking and Financial Stability
- EU Accounting: Challenges of the Digital Era
- EU Financial and Administrative Regulation
- EU Taxation: theoretical and jurisprudential insights
- EU Business and Green Finance
- EU Macroeconomic Policies and Health Sector Strategies
- EU Information Systems and Technology for Business and Government
The conference will host the associated Workshop on Strengthening the Jean Monnet professors’ cooperation on May 20, 2023. The participants at this event – Jean Monnet (JM) professors, researchers and JM courses students/graduates – will analyze the perspective of developing EU studies and the efficiency of the cooperation within the network, in the view of the new JM programs.
We are delighted to announce the presence of our keynote speakers:
Professor Ph.D. Peter-Tobias STOLL
University of Göttingen
Dimensions of resilience: EU strategic autonomy and supply chain security
Peter-Tobias Stoll is a Professor for Public and Public International Law (International Economic Law) at the University of Göttingen. He co-directs the Institute for International Law and European Law and heads the Department for International Economic and Environmental Law. Further, he serves as one of the Directors of the Institute for Agricultural Law at Faculty. His research focus is on international and European law, particularly on economic and environmental law. From 2019-2022 he held the Jean-Monnet-Chair for European Union and Global Sustainable Development Through Law. In 2022, he has been nominated by the European Commission to the newly established pool of potential arbitrators and experts for dispute settlement under EU trade and investment agreements.
Tobias extensively publishes on international economic and environmental law, including in the Heidelberg Journal, RGDIP, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Max-Planck- Encyclopedia for Public International Law and he co-edits the Commentaries on World Trade Law. He co-chairs the Interest Group on International Economic Law of the European Society of International Law and has been one of the conveners of the Study Group on Preferential Trade Agreements of the International Law Association.
Tobias occasionally acted as a member of German delegations to multilateral negotiations and works with the United Nations, the European Parliament, the German Federal Parliament, the German Federal Government, the German development cooperation agency (GIZ) and advises several governmental and non-governmental organizations. At faculty, Tobias served as the Dean for Studies and as Dean for Research. He is in charge for internationalization and for the coordination of Erasmus exchanges and acts as a mentor for the German National Academic Foundation. Also, he chairs the Ethics Committee of the University of Göttingen.
Tobias studied law and political sciences in Hamburg, Lausanne and Bonn and passed the two legal state examinations in 1978 and 1984 in the Cologne and Hamburg district courts. He has been a junior research fellow at the Walther-Schücking-Institute for International Law at Kiel University, where he obtained his Dr. iur. Kiel in 1993. Thereafter, he served as a senior research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public and International Law in Heidelberg and passed his habilitation at Heidelberg Faculty in 2001. Afterwards he was appointed as a Professor at the University of Göttingen. Tobias has been visiting at Addis Abeba (Civil Service College), Berkeley, Berne (WTI), Cambridge, Florence (EUI), Geneva, Milano (Bocconi), Minneapolis, Moscow (HSE), Nanjing, Paris II, Sao Paulo und St. Petersburg.
Associate Professor Ph.D. Kosjenka DUMANČIĆ
University of Zagreb
Croatia – 20th member of the Eurozone: the Euro implementation procedure
Kosjenka Dumančić is an Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb, Croatia. She teaches Commercial Law, Law of International Trade, European Company Law and European Market Law. She got Master’s degree at “European studies” organized by Pantheon Assas, Paris II and University of Zagreb in 2003 and holds Ph.D. in European Law with thesis “Limits of the freedom to provide services in European Union” from the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb. In 2020 she established the Institute for the Euro-Asian Studies at Faculty of Economics and Business and till 2022 she was the first director. Her research interests are in the fields of European company law, European internal market law, International Law and collaborative economy. She is an author of more than 40 scientific and professional papers and co-author of chapters and books in the area of EU market and company law. Professor Dumančić was teaching in different institutions in China, Indonesia and Europe as an invited speaker. She is visiting professor at the University of Pecs, Hungary where she EU law. She participated in different EU-funded projects as an expert reviewer and coordinator. Specifically, she is the management committee member of different COST Projects and currently she is actively involved in two EU-funded Erasmus+ Projects at the institution. She also works as a consultant of different EU education-related projects. Prof. Dumančić is a coordinator of the Jean Monnet Teachers Training Project Solidary Europe for Inclusive Society (EUsolis) started in March 2022 till 2025. From 2020 till 2022 Professor Dumančić was a vice-dean for international cooperation and projects and currently she acts as the vice-Dean for strategic partnerships and projects at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb.
Instructions for authors:
Extended abstracts (up to 300 words) and/or full-length papers are welcomed, limited to two abstracts/papers per participant. The papers should be written in English and their length should be between 6 and 20 pages. The format of the paper must strictly follow the guidelines (see paper template).
Language and publication:
The language of the conference is English, both for abstracts and papers. All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process and will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and scientific contribution. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted for indexing in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) by Clarivate Analytics. We are honoured that all the previous conference proceedings have been indexed, while the 2021 and 2022 volumes are currently under evaluation procedure.
Upon authors’ option, selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in renowned peer-reviewed journals. We are glad to have been invited to submit the papers to the special issue of Electronics (MDPI journal), REBS – Review of Economic & Business Studies (indexed in EconLit, RePEc, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, etc.) and JOPAFL – Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law (indexed in Index Copernicus, EBSCO, CEEOL, DOAJ, etc.).
Important dates:
- Extended abstract or full paper submission by e-mail at
20 April 2023 5 May 2023 - Notification of abstract/ paper acceptance/rejection: 1 May 2023
- Registration deadline for authors and final paper submission by e-mail at 12 May 2023
- Conference dates: 19-20 May 2023
- Final paper submission for publication: 30 June 2023
Conference fee and registration:
The standard fee is 75 Euro per participant (375 Ron); a discounted fee of 50 Euro (250 Ron) is available for Ph. D. students. The JM community members and authors of the selected papers to be presented in the workshop associated with the conference are welcome tax-free. The participant will have access to conference materials, as well as the publication of the final paper. The deadline for paying the fee is the 12th of May 2023. The registration fee should be paid after the acceptance of the paper (until 12 May 2023), by bank transfer to one of the following accounts:
- LEI – IBAN RO44TREZ40620F330500XXXX, opened at Trezoreria Iași
- EURO – IBAN RO78RNCB0175011093320003, opened at Banca Comercială Română, Sucursala Iași
Beneficiary: Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Bulevardul Carol I, nr. 11, 700506, Iaşi, România, CUI/VAT number 4701126.
Payments should be made specifying “Tax conference EUFIRE 2023” and the name of the paper’s first author. A scanned copy of the document proofing the payment should be sent by e-mail at
Conference venue:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
JM Centre of Excellence European Financial Resilience and Regulation EUFIRE-RE
22 Carol I Blvd., 700505 Iasi, Romania
Please download the call for papers for more details on the conference .