The project is designed to build specialized perspective on the EU financial resilience through regulation for effective public administration, addressing several specific objectives:
O1. The project will enhance the research and education in EU studies at the host university and will create synergies with experts from other universities, expanding the JM network. The team of the project gathers the expertise and competence of high-level scholars and Ph.D. researchers, grouped in 5 research teams, accordingly to their professional EU studies expertise. They will be constantly involved in the events, research and educational activities. Their CVs and publications demonstrate high-level of academic expertise, and their listed publications promote and give greater visibility to the proposed activities in the area of EU studies. The team reunites 16 lawyers, 8 graduate in banking and finance, 6 graduate in administrative science and one expert in big data management (graduate in computer science). Some of the team members are double graduates, 5 are from other universities (2 from Romania and 3 from abroad) and 13 have previous experience in other JM projects (modules, chairs and academic events). EUFIRE-RE will be first cooperation as centre of excellence and the applicant does not have other projects of this type under implementation currently. Their cooperation creates synergies allowing high-level collaborative work on the specific research themes: EU financial resilience for consumers in digital era; EU financial resilience for local communities; EU banking regulation for financial resilience; EU resilient taxation: national and global challenges; EU public procurement and public administration financial resilience.
O2. The project EUFIRE-RE fosters dialogue between the academic world and local public administration representatives. The productive dialogue is generated by the activities in the 5 research themes and 5 educational activities (4 new specialized courses and one summer school in the field of EU financial resilience through regulation), joining the team members, students, practitioners and representatives of the local/central public administration (mainly in collecting data phase for research and as invited guests in the teaching activities). The EU is a successful model of regional cooperation and a leading example for regulating the new issues raised in the digital era, including the perspective on the financial regulation for ensuring resilience and sustainability. The short-term results are the enhancement of the quality of knowledge on European financial regulation for effective local public administration. In the long run, and in particular for the countries in Eastern Europe (e.g., Romania), the results will materialize in a better understanding of the mechanism of financial resilient regulation and its impact on the EU market, including its digital component. In the first semester, the courses proposed by the project are EU Institutional Legal Framework (taught in high schools), EU Banking Regulation (first semester, for undergraduate students), EU Financial Regulation and EU Taxation will be offered in second semester (for postgraduate students), and the summer school EU Financial Resilience and Regulation, which will be offered especially to students from other universities in the same city/region, who have not been in contact with EU studies (University of Medical Science, University of Agronomy, Polytechnical University, Arts and Conservatory).
O3. The project EUFIRE-RE will generate additional activities during and after the period of implementation, creating joint transnational activities and structural links with other institutions (JM centres, schools of law, and local public administration representatives), built on the previous implementation of the JM Chair European Financial Regulation. The team of the project involves scholars from host university, Ph.D. researchers and members from other universities (2 national and 3 from abroad). The events organized are opened to academics and policy makers at local, regional and national level, as well as to civil society. The members of the JM network worldwide are invited to participate, developing the previous cooperation with the JM chairs in the same region, in countries with long EU studies tradition and, for a global perspective, outside the EU. Academic colleagues from other universities in the country are invited to participate in the events of the project. The international conference organized each year of the implementation of the project will include a special panel for JM network members, creating the opportunity for good practice dissemination and for the development of JM teaching and research actions both at national and international level, within the EU and beyond.
O4. The project ensures openness to civil society; the citizens are addressed by the project activities both directly and indirectly, through the local public administration representatives. Directly, some of the project activities (conferences large panels, opened lectures, workshops) are opened to the general public. The IT tools (site, platform, email) facilitate continuous dialogue with the members of the target group of the project, offer the updated information and facilitate wide dissemination of the research results. Indirectly, the civil society is addressed through public administration representatives at local and regional level (members of the city council, members of the regional/county council, representatives of the municipality, etc.), who are invited to attend and to participate with direct contributions in the academic events of the project (guest lectures in courses and roundtables; keynote speakers in conferences, seminars and workshops). Their activity is improved by the participation in the events of the project, through opened discussions with students and academics from the host university. Furthermore, they benefit of the research activity results.