Aims and objectives

The project aims at building specialized perspective on European Legal Studies, in particular on the financial legal framework in the EU. The project addresses the following objectives:

  1. Deepens teaching in European Union studies embodied in the official curriculum of UAIC. The chair mainstreams and diversifies EU-related subjects throughout the curricula for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students. EUFIRE proposes the development of 2 on-going courses (EU Law Fundamentals; EU Legal Framework) and 3 new specialized courses in the field of EU financial regulation (EU Financial Regulation. Banking Law; EU Financial Regulation. Tax Law; EU Public Spending and Control).
  2. Provides teaching/lectures to students from other departments (e.g. architecture, medicine, arts, technical universities etc.) to better prepare them for their future professional life. Such students may attend the course EU Legal Framework, every year of the implementation period. Also, the summer course EU Public Spending and Control will be opened for students from other universities in the region. The events of EUFIRE are opened to every person who is interested in the topic, enhancing teaching training and compulsory education results.
  3. Encourages, advises and mentors the young generation of teachers and researchers in European Union studies with courses that deal with new EU subjects, namely financial integration. The chair responsible and 5 team members, young researchers with Ph.D. in finance, banking, law, and EU integration, will promote high performance, innovation and a European dimension in the field of financial legal framework. During and after the implementation period, other young colleagues will be welcomed to join the chair.
  4. Organizes activities (conferences, seminars/webinars, workshops etc.) targeting policy makers at local, regional and national level as well as civil society. The project includes events opened to all the persons interested in the topic (workshops, webinars, opened lectures) and information is available using IT tools. Public administration representatives at local, regional and national level will be invited to attend and to participate with direct contributions in all academic events (guest lectures in courses and roundtables; keynote speakers in conferences, seminars and workshops) and will benefit of the research activity results.