International Conference
European Finance, Regulation and Business
Safe use of Artificial Intelligence on EU market
Dear Madam/Sir,On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are glad to invite you to present your research results at the International Conference “EU FInance, REgulation and Business EUFIRE 2024” organized at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania), on the 9th and 10th of May 2025, focused on the Safe use of Artificial Intelligence on EU market.
Artificial Intelligence is present in all aspects of our lives, its importance as a tool for better functionality of the EU market being a self-explanatory reality. Continuing the line of innovative regulation and pioneer rules with global impact, the adoption of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act has the vocation to affect every pattern of economic integration, changing the perspective on the topics previously addressed in the debates of the EUFIRE conferences series. While the EU AI regulation is pending the term of its coming into force, scholars and researchers are invited to bring their most valuable input to investigate the present status of using AI as an effective and safe tool, by implementing the most productive analyses for productive debate and wide dissemination of their research results. The diverse opinions within academia, from the ones regarding the AI act as the greatest EU legal project, to the eurosceptic view focused on the threats that are not fully observed yet, the conference presents the opportunity for productive presentation and in-depth investigation on this very fast developing topic.
The conference aims to offer the framework for debating the main challenges faced within the European Union and globally, emphasizing the AI regulatory perspective for the financial sector, in particular, and for the business sector, in general. The event will reunite academics, researchers, and practitioners, both from Romania and abroad, and will provide the necessary background for the development of constructive analysis and productive dialogue. Participation at the sessions of the event will be open to academics, researchers, students, and practitioners with interests in EU law, economics, and public administration, to present the results of their scientific work and/or to attend/participate in the discussions. In response to the actual demand for fruitful academic events, the conference organizing committee proposes the on-site format, guaranteeing the opportunity for all the participants to bring up their research results for debate, both in plenary sessions and in panel discussions. The dialogue between young researchers and reputable scholars is kindly encouraged.
Contributors are encouraged to approach one of the main topics of the conference (but not limited to):
- The AI impact on European single currency area: achievements and challenges
- EU Accounting: Challenges of the Digital Era and the safe use of AI
- The AI impact on EU Financial and Administrative Regulation
- EU Taxation: preparing the safe AI use
- The AI regulation impact on EU Business and Green Finance
- EU Macroeconomic Policies and Health Sector Strategies in AI era
- EU Information Systems and Technology for Business and Government
Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in European Tax Law and Policy at WU Vienna
The use of AI in tax procedures: selected issues from the constitutional, EU law and ECHR perspectives
Academic Chairman of IBFD. Full Professor of Tax Law at the University of Salerno and Holder of a Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in European Tax Law and Policy at WU Vienna. Honorary Professor at the Ural State Law University (Russia) and at the University of Cape Town (South Africa). Honorary Doctor at the University of Örebro (Sweden). Secretary General of the European Association of Tax Law Professors. Co-Chair of the Tax Committee of the International Law Association. Member of the Permanent Scientific Committee of the International Fiscal Association. Chief editor of the journals World Tax Journal and of ITAXS, the IBFD Doctoral Series and the Series of International Tax Law by Bloomsbury and of the IBFD Global Tax Treaty Commentaries. Editor and author of numerous books, articles and book chapters, published and/or translated in 12 languages, on international and European tax law.
Professor, Fordham University School of Law
Martin Gelter is a Professor at Fordham University School of Law, where he teaches Corporations, Partnership & LLC law, Comparative Corporate Law, and Accounting for Lawyers. His research explores corporate governance in its comparative and international dimensions, focusing on the United States and Europe. He is also interested in securities law, law and economics, law and finance, law and accounting, empirical legal studies, and comparative private law. His research has appeared in English, German, and French and has been translated into several other languages. Before joining Fordham in 2009, Martin was an assistant professor at Vienna University of Economics, a Considine Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard Law School, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Bologna. He has been a Visiting Professor at University Paris-II and National Taiwan University. He has also been an Academic Visitor at Oxford, a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, and a Senior Fellow in the Program for the Foundations of Law and Finance at Goethe University of Frankfurt. Martin is a research member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).
Instructions for authors:
Extended abstracts (up to 300 words) and/or full-length papers are welcomed, limited to two abstracts/papers per participant. The papers should be written in English and their length should be between 6 and 20 pages. The format of the paper must strictly follow the guidelines (see paper template).
Language and publication:The language of the conference is English, both for abstracts and papers. All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process and will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and scientific contribution. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, indexed in IDB. Upon authors’ option, selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in renowned peer-reviewed journals. We are glad to have been invited to submit the papers to REBS – Review of Economic & Business Studies (indexed in EconLit, RePEc, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, etc.) and JOPAFL – Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law (indexed in Index Copernicus, EBSCO, CEEOL, DOAJ, etc.).
- Extended abstract or full paper submission by e-mail at eufire@uaic.ro: 1 April 2025
- Notification of abstract/ paper acceptance/rejection: 15 April 2025
- Registration deadline for authors and final paper submission by e-mail at eufire@uaic.ro: 1 May 2025
- Conference dates: 9-10 May 2025
- Final paper submission for publication: 30 June 2025
The standard fee is 75 Euro per participant (375 Ron); a discounted fee of 50 Euro (250 Ron) is available for Ph.D. students. The JM community members, and authors of the selected papers to be presented in the workshop associated with the conference are welcome tax-free. Participants will have access to conference materials, as well as the publication of the final paper. The deadline for paying the fee is the 1st of May 2025. The registration fee should be paid after the acceptance of the paper, by bank transfer (payment details to be available soon)
Conference venue: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi JM Centre of Excellence European Financial Resilience and Regulation EUFIRE-RE 22 Carol I Blvd., 700505 Iasi, RomaniaPlease download the call for papers for more details on the conference .