Prof. Ph.D., Hab. Mihaela TOFAN
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Jean Monnet Chair
She is a law specialist with specific expertise in EU Law. She teaches and researches in the field of European studies since 2001 and she coordinates students for 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle and research team since 2008, when she gets Cum Laude legal science PhD. (Law Faculty at University of Bucharest). Her published doctoral thesis analysed the legal status of the Romania’s accession to the European Monetary Union and her habilitation thesis is “Public Policies for affaires. European Regulatory Dimension in the European Context”. She has experience in international teaching activities (for students in Italy, Turkey, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Portugal, Israel, Cyprus) and has participated in international conferences, seminars, and workshops abroad. Since 2009, she is member of the JM Centre of Excellence in European Studies from UAIC. She is responsible for the module JM European Civil Service (September 2010 – August 2013) and holder of the JM Chair European Financial Regulation EUFIRE. She published more than 70 papers in IDB proceedings/journals and 11 books (4 sole author and 7 co-author). She is full professor at the host institution since 2017 and she will be responsible for the teaching and research activities on specific aspects of European regulation, as well as for successfully implementing all the project activities.

Prof. Ph.D., Hab. Alin Marius ANDRIEȘ
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert, coordinator of research activity
He is Professor of Banking at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and research fellow of Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy. Since December 2022 he is Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance, Government of Romania. Previously, he was a Go8 Senior Research Fellow at School of Banking and Finance, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and a SCIEX Senior Research Fellow at Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance s/bf-HSG, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. He has published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Economics Letters, Economics of Transition, Economic Modelling, International Journal of Central Banking, Journal of Financial Stability and International Business Review, among other journals. He is currently the Editor of Review of Economic and Business Studies (REBS) and Associate editor of the Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (RJEF). His research interests are focused on financial intermediation, household finance and systemic risk.

Prof. Ph.D., Hab. Mircea ASANDULUI
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
He is currently professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. He graduated bachelor studies in Computer Science (2006) and Statistics (2007). He defended his PhD thesis on the forecast of the options’ volatility in 2008 and from 2018 he is accredited to supervise doctoral theses in Statistics. Since 2015 he is invited professor at University of Poitiers (France) where he teaches at SARARDS Master Introduction in Python. He had multiple experiences in international teaching activities within the Erasmus+ project with students from Croatia, Turkey, Poland, Greece, Serbia, Vietnam and Morocco and has participated in international conferences, seminars and workshops abroad. He is teaching Statistics, Econometrics, Quantitative Research Methods for Public Administration, and Statistics Software Packages. His main areas of interest are Demographic Ageing and Macroeconomic Analysis.

Prof. Ph.D., Hab. Ana-Maria BERCU
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert, coordinator of the education activity
She is currently full professor, PhD., Habilitated at FEAA, UAIC. She graduated a bachelor programme in Public Administration at FEAA in 2001, with Magna cum laude and postgraduate studies in the Management of Government Resources. In November 2019 she was senior researcher at Michigan Flint University, USA. Her doctoral thesis, defended in 2008, was appreciated with very good rating by the doctoral commission, which expressed its appreciations concerning the novelty of issue in the context of European integration. In February 2019 he sustained her Habilitation thesis in the field of administrative sciences. During 2015-2016, she was Postdoctoral Researcher at Tel Aviv University, Israel, in the field of HRM. She has competences in the field of European studies, being the leader of the JM module EURCOMP (September 2014 – August 2017) and co-author for the volumes European Regional Competitiveness and Human Resource Development (2018) and European Civil Service and the Career Management of European Civil Servants (2013), coordinator and/or member of the scientific team for over 20 European projects, having experience in international teaching through Erasmus and Erasmus+ programmes and being a member of the European Centre of Excellence (within the Centre of European Studies) since 2009 and JM Chair EUFIRE (2016-2019). She has experience in international teaching activities (with students from France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Republic of Moldova, Albania, Portugal, Iceland, Serbia, Poland, Italy, USA) and has participated in international conferences, seminars, and workshops abroad.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Irina BILAN
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
She defended her Ph.D. thesis in finance, in 2014, and is a specialist in European public finance. Her research mainly focuses on financial policies, European financial integration, and monetary and financial macroeconomics. She presented over 80 papers at national/ international conferences (in Austria, Croatia, France, Portugal, Malaysia, Romania, Spain, the USA, the UK, etc.), published over 70 papers in IDB-indexed journals and conference proceedings, and several books/book chapters. She has over 15 years of teaching experience in courses such as Public Finance, European Monetary and Financial Integration, International Finance, Money and Credit, Financial and Monetary Macroeconomics, and Financial Management of Public Institutions. She conducted several research stages, tackling different financial dimensions of the EU economies, at universities in France, Spain, the UK, and the USA. She has extensive international teaching experience, teaching to international students at UAIC and to students abroad at universities in Croatia, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, and Vietnam. She acquired expertise in project management as the team member of 2 Jean Monnet projects (one JM Chair and one JM Module), and team member/expert/manager of 6 other projects funded by EU or national funds. She organized several national and international conferences and workshops, some on EU issues.

Ph.D. Student, Marius BRĂNICI
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Ph.D. Student
In 2006 he graduated from the Faculty of Law, West University of Timisoara. In the same year he passed the Bar exam and became a lawyer in Iași Bar Association, where he still practices law today. As of 2015 he is a counselor in Iași Bar Association and he coordinates the activity of Judicial Assistance Service. In 2017 he became a trainer/lecturer for the National Institute for the Training and Improvement of Lawyers. He graduated from two Master’s programs at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University: in 2008 he completed the „Criminal Sciences” master, and in 2019 he completed the „Judicial Career” master’s courses. In 2020 he started the doctoral School of International Trade Law courses – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. He participated in 2019 and 2020 at EUFIRE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE with the following subjects: External traceability and VAT. A jurisprundential approach, and The effects of fraudulent behaviour of upstream suppliers on the right to deduct: did the taxable person know or should have known? As of 2018 he is a member of the Commission of elaborating Bar exam subjects. In 2021 and 2022 he was an Associate University Assistant in the field of Business Law – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Teaching Assist., Ph.D., Tudor Dumitru VIDREAN-CĂPUȘAN
University Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Senior expert
He is teaching assistant Ph.D. at the Faculty of European Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He is currently holding seminars on Financial Law and Tax Law, EU Law, and International Public Law. He was a speaker at several conferences both domestically and abroad and is the author or co-author of articles in the field of Financial Law and Tax Law and EU law. Recent publications are the followings: Tudor Vidrean – Căpușan, The Western Balkans and the EU integration process: The legal and judicial perspective, în International Relations and Area Studies: Focus on Western Balkans, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021; Tudor Vidrean – Căpușan, The European excises system, International Journal of Legal Social Order, nr. 1/2021, p. 465 – 470; Tudor Vidrean – Căpușan, Posting Working Directive and Mobility Pack. Bridge or wall between the Eastern and Western part of the European Union? Anuarul Institului Național de Istorie ”George Barițiu” Cluj – Napoca, nr. 1/2022, pp. 611 – 621. Professional activities involve coordination of a law office in Cluj – Napoca with extensive expertise in Tax Law and EU law, with a special focus on preliminary proceedings pending before the European Union Court of Justice (cases C-430/19, C-421/21).

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Elena CIGU
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
She is associate professor at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, where she works since 2009. She received a B.S. in 2002, a M.S. in 2003, and the PhD. in Finance in 2011 from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. She followed a postdoctoral stage at Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, in collaboration with Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. She has experience in project management as director or member in several structural and research projects (such as Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, POSDRU, POCU, UEFCSDI, CEEX), in the organizing committee of over 10 international conferences and in international teaching through Erasmus and Erasmus+ programmes. Her teaching and research activities are in the fields of public finance and public administration. She authored and co-authored 12 books, along with over 60 articles published in journals indexed in international databases, 60 articles published in conference proceedings, and attended over 90 international conferences.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Cosmin-Flavius COSTAȘ
University Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Senior expert
He is associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He is currently teaching a range of courses in the field of Financial Law and Tax Law in Cluj-Napoca and Iaşi: Law of Public Finances, Tax Litigation, Difficult Issues of National and European Taxation, Taxation of New Technologies (in Romanian), Introduction to European Tax Law, European & Comparative Tax Law (in English). In the framework of the Erasmus Teaching Mobility Programme he has visited partner universities in Leon (2018, 2019), Valencia (2022) and Perugia (2022). Research activities include a longtime collaboration with Scuola Europea di Alti Studi Tributari, University of Bologna (e.g. study of the system of sanctions for VAT fraud on an OLAF-financed project or environmental taxation), as well as participation in research projects coordinated by the universities in Brno and Lublin (most of these followed-up by joint publications regarding taxation of agriculture or real estate taxation). He is the organizer of the international conference Cluj Tax Forum (2016 – 2019) and editor of Cluj Tax Forum Journal (since 2018). He has published alone or in collaboration more than 50 books in Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Moldova, more 170 articles in various journals and participated as speaker or keynote speaker in national and international conferences (e.g. EUFIRE annual conferences in Iaşi). Recent publications include: C.F. Costaș, Drept financiar, 3rd edition, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2021; C.F. Costaș, Drept fiscal, 3rd edition, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2021; C.F. Costaș (editor), Codul de procedură fiscală comentat, Ed. Solomon, București, 2016. Professional activities imply coordination of a law firm and various teaching positions for the National Institute of Magistrature (INM), the National Institute for the Preparation and Perfectioning of Lawyers (INPPA) and the Chamber of Certified Accountants and Expert Accountants (CECCAR).

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Kosjenka DUMANČIĆ
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Senior expert
She is an Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb, Croatia. She teaches Commercial Law, Law of International Trade, European Company Law and European Market Law. She got Master’s degree at “European studies” organized by Pantheon Assas, Paris II and University of Zagreb in 2003 and holds Ph.D. in European Law with thesis “Limits of the freedom to provide services in European Union” from the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb. In 2020 she established the Institute for the Euro-Asian Studies at Faculty of Economics and Business and till 2022 she was the first director. Her research interests are in the fields of European company law, European internal market law, International Law and collaborative economy. She is an author of more than 40 scientific and professional papers and co-author of chapters and books in the area of EU market and company law. Professor Dumančić was teaching in different institutions in China, Indonesia and Europe as an invited speaker. She is visiting professor at the University of Pecs, Hungary where she EU law. She participated in different EU-funded projects as an expert reviewer and coordinator. Specifically, she is the management committee member of different COST Projects and currently she is actively involved in two EU-funded Erasmus+ Projects at the institution. She also works as a consultant of different EU education-related projects. Prof. Dumančić is a coordinator of the Jean Monnet Teachers Training Project Solidary Europe for Inclusive Society (EUsolis) started in March 2022 till 2025. From 2020 till 2022 Professor Dumančić was a vice-dean for international cooperation and projects and currently she acts as the vice-Dean for strategic partnerships and projects at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb.

Prof. Ph.D., Dulce Margarida de JESUS LOPES
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Senior expert
Dulce Lopes is a Professor of European Union Law, Private International Law, and Planning Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Worked for the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the European Parliament and the Catholique University of Lille (France) and was Director of Studies in English at the Hague Academy of International Law (Private International Law section, 2018). Currently, Dulce Lopes is a member of the Coordination Council of the Institute for Legal Research of the University of Coimbra and a participant in several international projects, such as the Erasmus+ European Citizens Initiative: a Tool for Engagement and Active Citizenship. Dulce Lopes Ph.D. thesis was on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Administrative Acts, a subject that is still at the core of her research.
Further references at:

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Dan LUPU
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
He holds a bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Law, a master’s degree in Management of European Funds and holds a PhD in Finance since 2011. He teaches courses and seminars on Business Law, Fiscality, Public Investment and European Fund Management (for 1st and 2nd cycle). The doctoral thesis (published in 2011) has analysed the legislation and management of the firms in economic difficulties in EU countries, in general, and for Romania, especially. He has experience in international teaching activities (for students in Poland, Greece, Turkey, France, and Czech Republic), and in exchange of best practices to assess and compare the organization and functioning of Master Programs in Public Administration in the main universities from Romania. He published 2 books, 34 articles and presented 31 papers at international conferences. He participated, as coordinator or member, in research grants and in numerous projects involving European funds. He is Senior Lecturer at the host institution since 2015 and also a lawyer specialized in business law.

Lecturer Ph.D., Codrin MACOVEI
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
He is a law graduate of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi (2000). He is a Doctor of Law, with the thesis entitled “Unification of the Regulation of Contracts in European Law”, carried out under the guidance of prof. dr. emeritus M.V. Jakotă (2005). Since graduating, he has been a member of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (2001-present), a lawyer in the Iasi Bar (2000-2009), and a public notary in the Iași Chamber of Public Notaries (2009-present). Starting with his Ph.D. thesis and continuing with the later work, the focus of his scientific activity is placed on the opportunity to adopt an optional rule body for cross-border transactions inside of the EU. The mere existence of different contractual legislations within the internal market can increase the costs of cross-border transactions and the magnitude of legal uncertainty. In the absence of substantial common rules, the conflicting rules enroll international contracts in the sphere of influence of national laws, which may contain divergent ideas about contractual justice, ideas that may be foreign to one of the parties or even for both. Even if they insert in the contract the clause of choosing a law to govern their relationships, the parties cannot be sure that it will be respected. Indeed, the fear of losses generated by the impossibility of enforcing international contracts may hinder entrepreneurs, especially SMEs, from contributing to the EU’s internal market. This psychological factor, which generally affects international transactions, can only be removed by the existence of harmonized contract legislation in Europe. Moreover, several reasons seem to advocate for making available to the actors of the common market an optional common framework for contracts that have ensured easy access from the point of view of the use of a neutral version of language and Legal terminology. These common core ideas are used in the scientific activity to find different solutions. Through 3 courses (European Contract Law, Civil Contract Law, Notary Law) the identified solutions have starting points like: the optional character of contract law; the advantages of legal competition; the legal bases of an optional body of European law of contracts; the 28-th model (legislation model); choosing an optional set of rules as a governing law for Cross-border contracts.

Prof. Ph.D., Mihaela ONOFREI
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
She is vice-rector of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and a doctoral superviser in Finance. Her proactive academic and research activity is highlighted through her extensive list of publications: 28 books, 131 scientific articles, 126 conference proceedings and involvement in 29 research projects and structural grants. Furthermore, she has contributed to the creation of several study programs in finance and public administration. Her expertise is in Corporate Governance, Financial Management, and Public Administration. She teaches courses on Elements of Public Administration Science (for 1st cycle), Decision-Making in Public Administration (for 1st cycle), Comparative Administrative Science (2nd cycle). She is member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Financial Studies, member in the National Council for the Financing of Higher Education, Vice-President of Sociology Commission, political and administrative sciences at the National Council for the Certification of Titles, Diplomas and University Certificates. She was Expert evaluator and Rapporteur at the Research Executive Agency (REA) – European Commission and Expert and Rapporteur at the State Education Development Agency from Riga (Latvia). Other positions: Representative of the University at the Consortium for the validation of qualifications in the Finance field, at the National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education, Expert evaluator in the fields of Finance and Public Administration at the Agency for the Evaluation of the Quality of Higher Education (ARACIS), Expert evaluator for the National Center for Scholarships Abroad within the Ministry of Education and Research, Member in the Central Reform Unit in Public Administration, Member of the working group Finances and accounting of the public sector of the network of public administration schools in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPACEE), Bratislava (Slovakia). Over the years, she has held several leading positions within the University, including that of Head of the Finance, Money and Public Administration Department (2012-2016) and Rector-in-charge (2017-2019).

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Mihai-Bogdan PETRIȘOR
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
He graduated Finance and Insurance in 2003 at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and Law in 2005 at the Faculty of Law, both at the UAIC. With a constant concern to acquire new knowledge but also for his future career development and courses, he attended Master program “Finance Banking Management”, organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. He graduated MBA with 10/10 and he completed doctoral studies in 2011, with doctoral thesis “Public expenditures and their impact on the evolution of society”. He published a volume with the same title in 2012. He has experience in teaching disciplines European Law, Finance, Financial Law, Labour Law and Administrative Law. His interest research areas are European administrative and financial space, regional competitiveness, and EU public financial policies.Mrs. Olesea Plotnic is university professor within “Private Law” Department of the Law Faculty, Moldova State University, specializing in Business Law and Consumer Law. She has a lawyer’s license and she is a CEDR mediator and arbitrator. She has more than 18 years of experience in the field of law and she teaches in English, French and Russian. She is trainer since 2012 at the National Institute of Justice (initial and ongoing training of judges and prosecutors) and trainer in social entrepreneurship since 2018.

Prof. Ph.D., Olesea PLOTNIC
Moldova State University of Chisinau, Moldova
Senior expert
Mrs. Olesea Plotnic is university professor within “Private Law” Department of the Law Faculty, Moldova State University, specializing in Business Law and Consumer Law. She has a lawyer’s license and she is a CEDR mediator and arbitrator. She has more than 18 years of experience in the field of law and she teaches in English, French and Russian. She is trainer since 2012 at the National Institute of Justice (initial and ongoing training of judges and prosecutors) and trainer in social entrepreneurship since 2018. Mrs. Plotnic has teaching experience at the level of License and Master, director of 3 PhD theses (since accreditation – 2015); During 2008-2015 she held the position of Deputy Director of the State Agency for Consumer Protection. Currently she is holder of two Jean Monnet Chairs: EU4JUST / EU Studies for Human Rights Protection and Alternative Dispute Resolution and ECOCONS / Europeanisation of Moldova through a circular economy that works for consumers. She is in a large international scientific cooperation network. In particular, she is a member of the International and European Laboratory of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France), member of the Research Centre of the University of Savoie Mont Blanc (France), laureate of the municipal award for youth and science in the field of law (2013), awarded with the Special Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova for promoting research in the national jurisprudence in France (2014), awarded with Young Scientist of the Year Diploma (2014).

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Ada-Iuliana POPESCU
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Senior expert
She is currently associate professor at UAIC, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Finance, Money and Public Administration. She is a law graduate, holding a Ph.D. in law. She has been awarded the Leland Leatherman scholarship for study and research in law by the University of Arkansas, School of Law and Arkansas Electric Cooperatives Corporation, USA and a fellowship award from National Center for Agricultural Law Research and Information Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. She is the author/co-author of four books and more than 30 scientific papers in the field of business law, environmental law and criminal law. She participated in 10 projects financed by the Romanian government and the European Union with excellent results in the field of law, public administration (short-term expert in the project “Increasing the Quality of the Master Programs in Public Administration”, ID 60072) and continuing education for public administration graduates and public servants.

Lecturer Ph.D., Nicu SPRINCEAN
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Junior expert
He is a Lecturer in Finance at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania. His research interests include, inter alia, systemic and individual risk, business and financial cycles, monetary and fiscal policy, financial intermediation, and empirical finance. His work has been published in highly-ranked journals, such as International Journal of Central Banking, Journal of Financial Stability, and Journal of Banking & Finance, among other journals. He teaches Finance, Money and Credit, Capital Markets and Financial Derivatives Markets for undergraduate students, and Research Methods in Finance for postgraduate students. Previously, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Michigan, Flint campus, United States, and a Research Fellow at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Nicu Sprincean has been involved in numerous research projects, both as a director and as a member, such as Proiecte de cercetare exploratorie (PCE) and Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea tinerelor echipe independente (TE).

Assist. Prof. Ph.D., Anca-Florentina VATAMANU
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Junior expert
She is is Assistant Professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and has experience in teaching Finance, Public Finance, Local Finance, Constitutional Law and Political Institutions, Performance Management in Public Administration. She graduated from the Faculty of Law in 2016 and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, UAIC, in 2014. She completed her doctoral studies in 2019, when she received a cum laude Ph.D. in Finance for her doctoral thesis: “Implications of fiscal-budgetary responsibility on the sustainability of public finances.” Her research activity focuses on public finance and fiscal- budgetary policies, local finances and fiscal governance. She has written one book, 33 articles (half of which are in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics ISI) and presented 30 papers at national and international scientific conferences. She has experience in project management as director or member of some structural and research projects (such as GI-UAIC-08, CNFIS-FDI, UEFCSDI, ERASMUS).

Prof. Ph.D., Hab. Sorin ANTON
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
He is full professor at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Finance, Money, and Public Administration Department. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Bank Management from the University of Rostock (Germany) and took his doctorate in Finance at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Also, he completed the Fulbright-RAF Scholar Program, a partnership between the Fulbright Commission, the Romanian-American Foundation, the Council on International Educational Exchange, and the University of Rochester Ain Center for Entrepreneurship. He shows evidence of significant research skills in financial theory and corporate policy including quantitative empirical finance and financial econometrics and a strong commitment to research and publishing in refereed academic journals such as International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Economic Systems, World Economy, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Renewable Energy, Applied Energy, and others. Furthermore, he conducts both individual and collaborative research projects with extensive experience in implementing research projects as well as other strategic projects.

Lecturer Ph.D., Constantin-Marius APOSTOAIE
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
He is currently senior lecturer, PhD., at FEAA, UAIC. He has a rich experience in project management (as director or team member) within several educational and research projects (in financing lines such as: Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, COST, POSDRU, POSCCE, POCU, UEFISCDI, and with cumulated sources of financing of over € 20 mil), including Jean Monnet activities, and in the organizing committee of over 12 national and international conferences (in Romania and abroad). He also has a rich portfolio of multicultural and multinational teaching techniques and methods gained through his experience in dozens of universities in Europe and at UAIC (where he held courses on Project Management, European Integration etc.). He conducts high standard research reflected in over 50 peer-reviewed articles published in important databases and high-rated peer-reviewed journals, as well as other complementary activities: reviewer in 4 highly visible journals; plenary or panel discussant in over 10 international conferences; speaker in over 60 international and national conferences / scientific events in Europe or abroad.

Prof. Ph.D., Hab. Adina DORNEAN
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
She is currently full professor, PhD., Habilitated at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. She successfully completed her undergraduate studies at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration between 1997 and 2001, she attended and graduated the master degree program in Financial and Banking Management (2002), she completed in 2011 the Ph.D. studies in Finance with the thesis “Connections between public and private financial decisions” and in 2013 she graduated the postdoctoral studies in Economics with the dissertation “National solutions to the crisis: the case of Romania” defended at The Romanian Academy, Bucharest. In February 2022 she sustained her Habilitation thesis in the field of Finance. Since she was hired (2003) till now she developed teaching and research activities. In the present she is teaching Finance, Public Finance, Responsible Finance and Investing, European Financial and Monetary Integration, European Policies, European Structural Funds Management for students on BA and MA. Her research interests are related with the teaching topics and it has resulted in numerous publications, including 3 books, 13 book chapters, more than 65 articles published in journals indexed in international databases and more than 80 participations at national and international conferences. Also, she has experience as director or member in 10 research projects with national or internacional funding.

Lecturer. Ph.D., Cristinel ICHIM
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
He is licensed in Administrative Sciences, having graduated from the study program Public Administration in 2000 at the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration of the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava and a bachelor in Juridical Sciences graduating from the Faculty of Law from the Mihail Kogălniceanu University of Iasi in 2009. In order to acquire new knowledge and to develop his career in the period 2003-2005 he attended the courses of the Postgraduate Academic Studies Finance–Banks-Insurance “FIBAS”, specialization “Economy and Financial-Banking Management”. In 2011 he completed his doctoral studies, when he obtained the title of doctor in Finance following his successful presentation and defence of the doctoral thesis with the title “Improve the local budgetary process and its socio-economic implications”. He has academic experience in teaching the disciplines Local Finance, Public Finance, Financial Law and Business Law. His research focuses on local budgets, public finances and fiscal-budgetary policies as well as business law, materializing in the publication of over 50 scientific articles in various journals and specialized volumes. He also has experience in projects as a member of projects with European funds and research funds (DISSAJ, DECARDS, ZoneMAP).

Lecturer Ph.D., Septimiu Ioan PUȚ
Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
He is lecturer Ph.D. at the Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He is currently holding seminars on Financial Law and Tax Law and teaches the Sports Law course. In the framework of the Erasmus Teaching Mobility Programme, he has visited partner university in Valencia (2022). He was a speaker at several conferences in the country and abroad and is the author or co-author of books in the field of Financial Law and Tax Law, Legal Theory and Sports Law and author of numerous articles published in this field. He is editor-in-chief of the Cluj Tax Forum Journal, being responsible for the synthesis of national jurisprudence in tax matters. Recent publications include: C.F. Costaș, S.I. Puț, Drept fiscal și financiar. Caiet de seminar, ed. a III-a, Ed. Hamangiu, București, 2022; S.I.Puț, C.F. Costaș, Dreptul sportului, Ed. Hamangiu, București, 2021. Professional activities imply coordination of a law office and various teaching positions for the National Institute for the Preparation and Perfectioning of Lawyers (INPPA) and the Chamber of Certified Accountants and Expert Accountants (CECCAR).

Lecturer Ph.D., Crina Mihaela VERGA
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
George Bacovia University of Bacău, Romania
She graduated from a bachelor programme in Legal Sciences in 1998 and completed her postgraduate studies in Public and Private Law in 1999 at the Law Faculty at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Since 1999, she has taught courses and seminars in the following fields, which are also her most relevant domains of interest: European Union Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Comparative Law, Human Rights. She has specific expertise in EU Law. During 2002-2003 she attended postgraduate studies at the International Faculty of Comparative Law of the University “Robert Schuman” in Strasbourg, France (1st and 2nd cycle). In 2014 she defended her Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Law from the University of Bucharest. She has participated in more than 40 national and international conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as in professional development courses in Romania and abroad. She has gained a vaste experience in the organizing committees of over 35 national and international conferences. She is the author or co-author of 4 books, including the volume “Institutional Law of the European Union” (2023). She has published over 45 articles and reviews on legal matters in the journals and specialized papers, includind 5 ISI articles. Since 2017 she has been a reviewer at the Lumen Publishing House in Iasi. She is a trainer at the National Institute of Administration. Since 2006, she has written and taught some specialized courses for civil servants in training programs related to various aspects regarding the European Union, organized by the Continuing Education Center for civil servants, subordinated to the National Institute of Administration and other training providers.