NEW! EUFIRE 2020 Conference Proceedings have been selected for coverage in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) by Clarivate Analytics
Conference Proceedings 
Dear Authors,
Thank You for participating at EUFIRE 2020! We would like to let you know that, thanks to your personal contribution, the EUFIRE 2020 was a real success. We kindly express our gratitude for your implication, your flexibility and your enthusiasm while adapting to this year ON-LINE ONLY format. It was a challenge for all of us, friends of EUFIRE International Conferences, and we are very happy how plenary and parallel sessions took place.
In order to have your paper published in the Conference Proceedings, we would like to kindly remind You that the final version is due on the 15th of June, 2020. The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing at Web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation Index and we are pleased to remind you that EUFIRE Proceedings 2017, 2018 and 2019 are already indexed. When submitting your final paper, please take into consideration the format requirements of the template available on this page.
Thank You again for Your contribution and we are looking forward to meeting You at next EUFIRE International Conferences!
Conference Programme 
Important announcement!
In light of the coronavirus outbreak, we currently remain committed to hosting our event as foreseen and ONLY THE ON-LINE PARTICIPANCE WILL BE POSSIBLE FOR ALL THE SESSIONS. Please check the important dates and conference fee and registration sections for details on extended deadlines and revised fees. Stay healthy and submit to the EUFIRE 2020 Conference!
International Conference “European Finance, Business and Regulation”
Dear Madam/Sir,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are glad to invite you to submit your papers and participate in the International Conference “European Finance, Business and Regulation” organized by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania), between the 15th and 16th of May 2020.
The conference aims at offering the framework for debating the main challenges faced by the European and global economies, emphasizing the financial, business, and regulatory perspective. The event will reunite academics, researchers and practitioners, both from Romania and abroad, and will provide the necessary background for the development of constructive analysis and productive dialogue. The participation into the sessions of the event will be opened to all academics, researchers, students and practitioners with interests in EU economic, public administration and legal studies, in order to present the results of their research and/or to attend the discussions.
During the days of the conference, participants will have the opportunity to present their papers and bring them up for debate, both in plenary sessions and in panel discussions, thus allowing their research results to be discussed by fellow academics and practitioners. The conference is offering the possibility to present and to confront other specialists’ pertinent opinion on the results of the research. Young researchers are kindly invited to participate.
Contributors are encouraged to approach one of the main topics of the conference (but not limited to):
- EU Banking and Financial Stability
- EU Administrative Area
- EU Accounting and Taxation
- EU Business and Challenges of the Digital Era
- EU Green Finance and Environmental Issues
Important dates:
- Extended abstract or full paper submission by e-mail at
13 April 20201 May 2020 - Notification of abstract/ paper acceptance (with any requested changes after the double-blind reviewing process) /rejection:
25 April 20205 May 2020 - Registration deadline for authors and final paper submission by e-mail at 10 May 2020
- Conference sessions (on-line): 15-16 May 2020
- Final paper submission for publication: 15 June 2020
Conference fee and registration:
The standard fee is 75 Euro 40 Euro per participant (360 Ron 200 Ron). The discounted fee of 50 Euro 20 Euro (240 Ron 100 Ron) is available for Ph.D. students. The Masters’ students, authors of the selected papers to be presented in any session of the conference are welcome tax-free. The deadline for paying the fee is the 10th of May 2020. The registration fee should be paid after the acceptance of the paper (until 10 May 2020), by bank transfer to one of the following accounts:
- LEI – IBAN RO44TREZ40620F330500XXXX, opened at Trezoreria Iași
- EURO – IBAN RO78RNCB0175011093320003, opened at Banca Comercială Română, Sucursala Iași
Beneficiary: Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Bulevardul Carol I, nr. 11, 700506, Iaşi, România, CUI/VAT number 4701126.
Payments should be made specifying “Tax conference EUFIRE 2020” and the name of the paper’s first author. A scanned copy of the document proofing the payment should be sent by e-mail at
Instructions for authors:
Both extended abstracts and full-length papers are welcomed, with a limit of two abstracts/ papers per participant. All papers must be submitted in English and their length should be between 6 and 20 pages. The final paper should strictly follow the guidelines (see paper template).
Please download the call for papers for more details on conference fees, important dates, and publication opportunities